Sunday 19 February 2012


In our house this year we had a "SINGLES" valentines day (minus nicole and her boyfriend) since Alyssa is happily single, Jenessa is thankful to be single after that quick downward spiral with he who shall not be named, & my boyfriend is 8 hours away, soooo this calls for things dipped in CHOCOLATE! :)

We made our own make shift fondue by melting chocolate chips in our crock pot on the living room floor haha. It was delightful and very sweet!

We had a nice selction of Strawberries, Raspberries, and Gala Apples

Our Valentine TEDDY, hoping to get in on the chocolate feast


On tuesday night Jenessa felt like going to this little restaurant down the road from us called Brooklyns. I had been there once before with Peter for a late lunch and I lovedddd it, so I was happy to go again.
Its a cute little place with this nice atmosphere like Brooklyns obvisously, cute tables and little white lights hang from the ceiling, brick styling and relaxing lighting. During this visit I could have done without the group of middle aged creepy men playing darts about 5 feet from our table that kept awkwardly looking at us, but thats okay we just learned to block them out and enjoy our dinner.

Our appetizers consisted of classic mozza sticks and bruchetta bread

I was having a massssiveee craving for Bruchetta bread because a couple weeks ago it was someones birthday at work, we were on the night shift so we ordered take out to celebrate from this very popular greek place in st catharines Joes Fetas. They have THE MOST SPECTACULAR feta bruchetta bread in the world, its practically to DIE FOR! the bruchetta bread at brooklyns was okay but sad to say it was NOTHING in comparison

Jenessa and Alyssa dined on burgers and fries

Nicole tried her taste buds at a veggie burger, which she reports tasted much like a normal meat hamburger. Also she has umm some sweet potatoe soup i think? I went classic with chicken fingers and fries cause i'm very boring that way : )

Overall the dinner at brooklyns was nice, not at great as i remember the lunch being last time i went, but still nice


  1. You always know of the best restaurants I've never even heard of. Can't wait to come back and go to some of them with you. The chocolate fondu thing looks like a great idea! I don't have a crockpot but that's another thing I'll have to try when I come back this summer. It would be cool to get two crockpots going, one with white chocolate wafers from bulkbarn and the other with dark/milk chocolate. LMAO the pic of the dog just sitting their watching the chocolate drip off the fruit. New blog post from me coming later tonight :) went on an adventure yesterday.

  2. and PS, chicken fingers are not boring, they are the best.
