Monday 2 April 2012


Last weekend we celebrated Beckys 22nd Birthday. We met at her boyfriend, Bradens house to drink and relax before we went out the bar Stellas for the night. Its been a long time since I've been to someones house for like predrinking and drinking games and socializing and such so it was super fun and i missed it alot since usually now we just all meet at the bar or its only a few of us sometimes. This was great cause there was like a dozen people, we all had some drinks, played beer pong (which i still suck at :( ) braden had decoarted his basement so cute and nice and even made a delcious cake for becky (even though i gave up chocolate AND cake for lent, i feel this was a reasonable exception. eeeek!) There are a few photos below to document our night.

If Becky ever finds out that this photo is on here, she will probably murderrrr me! but i simply HADDD to put t up because it captured the in moment air view of the ball about to enter one of the cups. Becky very devasted and Nikky not seeming to care, hahah

That big ring on Beckys finger was my birthday present to her along with some hair and lotion and candles and stuff


The girls of the night, Nikky, Becky and myself, and Jessie I suppose!

At the bar Stellas. After dating Peter for 2 and half years this is the first time we have ever pre-drank somewhere and then gone out to a bar/club together when we have both been drinking. accomplishment! it was a great success and we had a blast and no drama :)

Aroudn 1:30am we left bar however my roomate Alyssa was at another bar down the road so we attempted to go there and find her so that we could all share a taxi home. But once we arrived at her bar there were fire trucks everywhere as it seemed there was a fire in the Red Hot Chili Pepper (not actually though) anyhow there were a million people outside on the street, taking pictures with the fire fighters and we tried screaming xiAlyssas name to grab her attention, but none of this work so we eventually just grabbed a Taxi and headed home!

The morning after Peter and Tedd get some quality time before we head out for some subway and a biking adventure for that day. : )

1 comment:

  1. haha first time going to the bar after predrinks! BTW this really makes me want to have a party like we used to in high school where we would camp out and have a big fire and stay up late! I will plan a big facebook event early so EVERYONE can make it, no excuses!! I love that picture of a bedroom/room with a black leather couch. The wood panel wall and checkerboard pattern behind the bed looks really cool. Looks like a great party! Only like 2.5 months rach and I'm back!!!
